Another Reason to Visit United Noodles: Black Rice Noodle Stir Fry with Sweet Miso Salmon
Winter sometimes {read: always} makes it difficult for me to muster any motivation to leave the house or make any more stops than absolutely necessary. I usually want to just get from point A to point B and avoid anything that would require me to unneccessarily get out of my car in between. With the weather we're currently having, though, you'll want to make as many stops as possible and enjoy the balmy temps. A perfect reason to head over to United Noodles!
The inspiration for this dish actually comes directly from United Noodles. I picked up some black rice macaroni noodles on a whim (and because they looked so cool!) and wasn't sure what to do with them. I reached out to United Noodles on social media, they suggested the basic elements of this dish and then I took it from there.
I've posted a lot of Asian-inspired dishes recently, which has partially come as a result of having a kitchen well-stocked with Asian condiments, spices and sauces. It's so much easier to try your hand at a new cuisine have the inredients at the ready. The other great part of this dish specifically, is that you can easily stock a lot of the ingredients so if it does get really cold out again (ha!), you don't even need to head to the store. I actually used frozen broccoli that I roasted in the oven to thaw. Dried shiitake mushrooms, which are normally quite expensive to buy fresh, are cheap and convenient when all you need to do is rehydrate them. You could even use a can of diced tomatoes if you really wanted. So stock up and start cookin'!
Black Rice Noodle Stir Fry with Sweet Miso Salmon

1/2 lb. salmon filet
1/2 c. dried shiitake mushrooms, rehydrated (or 1 c. fresh)
1 tsp. light oil (I used a canola-coconut blend)
2 c. broccoli florets, cut into bite-sized pieces (I used frozen broccoli, roasted it at 425 degrees and then threw it in the stirfry)
1 c. baby carrots or 1 large carrot, diced
1/2 onion, diced
1 medium tomato, diced
8 oz. black rice macaroni noodles
salt/pepper, to taste
For the sauce:
2 tbsp. light oil (I used a canola-coconut blend)
2 tbsp. dark sweet soy sauce (this is thicker and sweeter than regular soy sauce)
2 tbsp. white miso paste
1 tbsp. rice vinegar (or other light vinegar, like white wine or apple cider)
1 tsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. Sriracha
1 tsp. maple syrup or honey
splash of lime juice
few drops of Worcestershire sauce
salt/pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place dried shiitake mushrooms in a small bowl of hot tap water and let rehydrate while you prepare other parts of the dish.
2. Lightly coat a baking dish with a tiny bit of neutral-flavored cooking spray or oil. Place salmon in dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste. Next, make the sauce by whisking all ingredients listed in a small bowl until well blended. If it seems like one flavor is overpowering another, adjust as necessary.

3. Pour in just enough sauce to cover the salmon. Using a brush or spatula, spread sauce onto salmon and let marinate for a few minutes. Then roast in oven for about 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the salmon. You'll want it so it's just cooked through. When salmon is finished roasting, remove from oven and set aside to cool briefly. Shred salmon with two forks. Pour the rest of the sauce into a small sauce pan and turn heat to lowest setting, stirring every so often.
4. While the salmon is roasting, start boiling water to cook your noodles according to package instructions. Drain rehydrated mushrooms and pat dry. In a large saute pan, add 1 tsp. oil and bring to medium-high/high heat. Once shimmering, add onion, carrot and broccoli. Stirfry for a few minutes and then add in the mushrooms. Once the mushrooms have turned slightly golden, add in the diced tomato.

5. To assemble dish, add drained noodles and shredded salmon to stirfry pan, pour the warm sauce into the pan and stir until everything is coated in the sauce.