Minneapple Eats for Two!

The rumors are true: I am with child. My husband and I are both really excited and kind of overwhelmed and somewhat unbelieving that this is actually happening. It almost doesn't seem real because in lots of ways it hasn't impacted our day-to-day life that much thus far; well, except eating.
With pregnancy has come a lot of interesting twists and turns to my appetite and food blogging. Typically, I like to plan out my entire week of meals. Plans change and improvisation and flexibility become the name of the game, but ultimately I often know what I'll be eating for dinner a week from now. Between morning sickness (which can really be any time of the day), general exhaustion and a few various cravings/aversions, my meal-planning has really fallen by the wayside (as evidenced by the lack of posts this summer). Much of the time I haven't been hungry and once I am, it really gives a new meaning to the term "hangry". For most of the first trimester, I could only eat exactly what I was hungry for (if I could figure out what that was) and only as soon as I was hungry. Something might sound good in the morning, and by dinner time, it sounded digusting, or just too much work to put together.
If I'd had enough energy to write about my meals as of late, this is what my blog posts would be:
Meatless Monday: Blueberry Frosted Mini Wheats
How To Eat An Entire Frozen Pizza {Alone}
Mint Oreo Blizzards + Other Great Appetizers
Eating in Bed: Recipes for Disaster
Donut A Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Normally I prefer salty foods to sweet, but I've been craving more fruity and sweet foods (which my husband has sure enjoyed). Overly salty foods haven't been sounding so hot. Zucchini sounds absolutely repulsive, despite not being bothered by it before. I also had a week of eating avocado toast and thinking it was the greatest thing ever, only to be completely disgusted by it shortly after and haven't eaten avocado since. That's a big bummer because I love avocado.
I'd like to think my appetite will even out a bit as these next few weeks progress. Of course I had such high hopes in the beginning of making all these wonderfully wholesome meals, chock full of vitamins and other healthy stuff. When I'm not quite feeling that, though, I've been trying to make a steady stream of smoothies with spinach, fiberful berries and protein-rich yogurt. RIght now, the things I miss most are runny, soft-cooked eggs (wouldn't that have been great on that purple potato hash?!) and sushi. And I would LOVE to throw back a Sociable Cider or Loon Juice on these hot summer days. All in good time, though.
This won't turn into a pregnancy blog, but please stage an intervention if I can't stop eating donuts and frozen pizza.