Meatless Monday: Purple Potato Hash with Scrambled Eggs, Black Beans, Sharp Cheddar Cheese & Val
It's no secret that I love my Valentina hot sauce. I swear I'm not affiliated with them or anything, I just can't get enough of a good thing, apparently. If you haven't tried it, pick up a bottle. It's pretty cheap and has the perfect amount of tangy, garlic-y heat with just a tinge of sweetness to balance things out. I recently posted a recipe that includes Valentina sweet potatoes and have another in my drafts for a three-bean salad with Valentina vinaigrette...stay tuned for that.
This certainly could be made wth non-purple potatoes, but with the abundance of interesting produce and uniqute products at the farmers markets in the height of summer, it's always fun to mix things up a bit. And, they're just so darn pretty! And if you want to get really colorful, make this with half regular potatoes and half sweet potatoes. Oh, yum; why didn't I think of this sooner?!
I threw this into the breakfast, lunch and dinner categories because it could be eaten at any hour of the day and still be considered a hearty and satisfying meal. I just happened to make it for dinner. It could easily be made into a single serving, or scaled up for a group brunch. It's not pictured here, but for a pop of green, add green onions and cilantro to top things off, as well as a dollop of your favorite cream (sour cream, crema, Greek yogurt, etc.).
Purple Potato Hash with Scrambled Eggs, Black Beans, Sharp Cheddar Cheese & Valentina Hot Sauce

Serves: 2
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
1 lb. purple potatoes (or any small potatoes, but purple is most fun), diced
1 15-oz. can black beans, rinsed & drained
2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. smoked paprika
2 eggs
2 tbsp. milk or cream
pinch of salt & pepper
1 c. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
hot sauce, to taste
green onions & cilantro, to garnish (optional)
sour cream or Greek yogurt, to garnish (optional)

1. After dicing potatoes, heat 1 tbsp. butter in a large saute or frying pan over high heat. Once butter is melted and shimmering, add potatoes and pan fry until they become somewhat soft. Add black beans, cumin & paprika. Stir and continue to pan fry until potatoes are slightly golden (this will be hard to tell with purple potatoes, but basically you want them to be kinda crispy on the outside and soft in the middle). Add more butter if the ingredients are seeming to dry out.
2. While the potatoes and beans are cooking, make your scrambled eggs. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs with milk/cream, salt and pepper. In another smaller frying pan, heat another tsp. or two of butter. Once the butter is melted and shimmery, pour in egg mixture. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring eggs until large fluffy curds form. Remove from heat.
3. Add cheddar cheese to pan with potatoes and beans. Stir until the cheese is mostly melted. Add scrambled eggs to pan, or serve up each plate with the bean ad potato mixture as the base, then top with scrambled eggs and hot sauce. Top with green onions and sour cream/Greek yogurt, if desired.