All Things Fried: The Great Minnesota Get-Together
The last time I went to the Minnesota State Fair was over ten years ago, while in high school. I certainly wasn't there for the food;...

Stopping to Smell the Roses + A Crack Press from Bread & Pickle
WARNING: This is a rather indulgent post, having relatively little to do with food, but something I needed to get out. Proceed with...

Roasted Eggplant & Blistered Cherry Tomato Pasta with Chicken Sausage
Eggplant. We've shared a love-hate relationship for several years now. I'm still not completely on board the eggplant train, but I've...

Crazy, Frenchie, Cool: Pan Bagnat
Many people think I'm the whiz in the kitchen and my husband idly stands by, enjoying the fruits of my labor. This is entirely untrue and...

Keepin' Cool: Raspberry, Lime & Ginger Agua Fresca
Man, it's been hot and humid. Yesterday felt like a sauna. Not that I'm complaining, of course, just making an observation. You can't...

Taco Tuesday: Grain Belt Pulled Pork Tacos + Minnesota Sweet Corn & Coconut Salad
Tuesday rolled around again and so did my desire for tacos. It's funny how that works out. I wanted to make something completely...

Snickie Snackies: Crispy Baked Kale Chips
My creative inspiration was lost last night as I started dinner way too late and was quite hungry. With that inspiration also went my...

We All Scream For Ice Cream: Sonny's Toasted Marshmallow & Creme Brûlée at Crema
Let's get one thing straight: No matter how full I am, I can always find room for ice cream. I'm pretty much a fan of any frozen dairy...

Quick Pesto Shrimp with White Wine
Get out that Radish Green, Chive & Parsley Pesto 'cause we're makin' shrimp and it's gonna be quick. So quick, you won't even know what...

Eat Your Greens: Radish Green, Chive & Parsley Pesto with Walnuts & Feta
I'm of the camp that if it's a green, it can be used to make pesto. So when I bought a pretty bunch of radishes from Lakewinds Co-op to...