Crazy, Frenchie, Cool: Pan Bagnat
Many people think I'm the whiz in the kitchen and my husband idly stands by, enjoying the fruits of my labor. This is entirely untrue and...

Say This Ten Times Fast: Bison Braunschweiger Bahn Mi with Spicy Sriracha Aioli
Contrary to this past winter and spring (for which I was luckily not here), August has brought picture perfect summer weather, with lots...

Nothing Beats a Simple Sandwich: Ham & Brie at Spyhouse NE
As much as I get my jollies from a unique dish with all sorts of complicated ingredients and techniques, nothing beats a simple sandwich....

First Post: Spiced Shrimp Salad with Mango, Avocado & Cucumber in a Creamy Asian Dressing
This is my first post, so yay! Despite the commonly-held belief that Minnesota is bone-chillingly cold (which is true for some of the...